Wan Pin CHU (朱芸編) is an international award-winning Erhuist and film composer from Hong Kong, who has performed Erhu solo for the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, and the British Prince William in the United Kingdom in October, 2015 during the Chinese state visit, and got invited to perform again for Prince William in his private event in July, 2016. He has also performed for the Thai Princess Rajadarasri Jayankura in February 2017. He was invited to be the featured guest performer at the “Vivian Chow 30th Anniversary Concert Concert” at the Hong Kong Coliseum in January 2018. In 2019, Wan’s erhu is going to be featured in an upcoming Hollywood movie ‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters’.


Wan has won two international music competitions, including The United States Open Music Competition (2012) and The Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod in the United Kingdom (2002). He is also the champion of several national competitions in China such as: The Golden Chinese Redbud Talented Search Competition of Chinese Music (2007), The Asia Chinese Music Solo Competition (2006) and The National Zhong-lu Cup Professional Erhu Competition (2005). In Hong Kong, he has also won: the Hugo Chinese Instrumental Solo Competition (2003), the Advanced Erhu Solo Competition, the Advanced Gaohu Solo Competition and the Advanced Banhu Solo Competition (2002) in The Hong Kong Schools’ Music Festival.


Having performed in over hundreds of concerts all over the world including the UK, the US, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Mainland China etc., Wan is recognised as a versatile performer with rich emotions and limitless virtuosity in his music. In the UK, he is the first Chinese instrumentalist to perform in The Duke’s Hall in Royal Academy of Music. In July 2016, he was featured on the cover of Hong Kong Tatler, and was selected as one of the hundred most influential young figures in the city.


Wan also works as a composer for films, televisions, games and commercials. In 2018, Wan has scored music for an upcoming epic feature film ‘Kung Fu Monster’ (武林怪獸) directed by Andrew Lau, upcoming thriller film ‘Amsterdam Secrets’ directed by Zachary Weckstein, and upcoming epic game ‘Asura’.

In 2017, He has scored music for the feature film ‘Wukong’ (悟空傳), which has reached 104 million USD of box office, and ‘Susu’, which was nominated as the best movie in the 41st Montreal World Film Festival in Canada and the 8th Beijing International Film Festival. His music was also featured in the movies ‘Chasing the Dragon’ (追龍) and ‘Overhead 3’ (竊聽風雲3). He was the mentee of Maggie Rodford, music producer/supervisor of  ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’, 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' and 'Thor' in Air-edel, one of the leading music companies in the world.


Wan has received a full scholarship from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) to study Master in Composition for Film, Television and Game at the Royal College of Music in London. He studied Violin under Madeleine Mitchell also from the Royal College of Music. In September 2014, he went to Japan to study Composition at the Kyoto City University of Arts as an exchange student. He finished his undergraduate study in 2013 at King’s College London and has received an honor degree in Musicology and Composition.



曾兩次獲英、美國際音樂賽冠軍的朱芸編出生於香港,七歲在父親薰陶下學習二胡、高胡和板胡,十一歲連奪香港校際音樂節二胡深造組、高胡深造組和板胡深造組三項冠軍,史無前例。旋以香港代表身份赴英參加威爾斯靈閣嶺國際音樂賽 (Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod),於53個國家選手中奪民族音樂組總冠軍。2012年底,赴三藩市參加美國公開音樂賽 (United States Open Music Competition),奪全場總冠軍。早年,也是亞洲民族器樂獨奏賽、香港紫荊杯音樂賽和雨果中樂獨奏賽的冠軍得主。2015年10月獲邀請為中華人民共和國國家主席習近平伉儷和英國威廉王子伉儷表演二胡,2016年7月再受威廉王子邀請為其私人宴會演奏二胡,並在2017年2月為泰國公主Rajadarasri Jayankura演奏二胡。2018年1月 於香港體育館舉行的《一萬天荒愛未老周慧敏30週年演唱會》擔任二胡獨奏表演嘉賓,並在6月再於香港體育館為《張敬軒降兩度演唱會2018》演奏二胡。


朱芸編不僅於各類賽事掄元連番,更頻獻藝於中外樂壇。其足跡遍及英國、美國、法國、荷蘭、瑞士、日本、馬來西亞、菲律賓、香港及中國內地等多個國家和地區 ,一時響譽遐邇。期間獲西安音樂學院、瀋陽音樂學院、四川音樂學院和英國倫敦大學亞非學院等音樂學府邀請舉行專場音樂會和講座。2013由倫敦大學國王學院交響樂團伴奏下,成為首位在英國皇家音樂學院表演的中樂演奏家。2016年為高級時尚雜誌Hong Kong Tatler拍攝封面, 並獲選為100名最具潛質及影響力的傑出青年之一。


朱芸編亦為多套電影與紀錄片錄製二胡 ,例如2017年的《追龍》、2016年英國廣播公司 (BBC) 的紀錄片《Between Clouds and Dreams》及英國電影協會 (BFI) 的紀錄片《Around China with a Movie Camera》,和2014年的《竊聽風雲 3》等等。


作品方面, 朱芸編在2018年為史詩式遊戲《阿修羅》及劉偉強導演的魔幻電影《武林怪獸》配樂;2017年為郭子健導演的魔幻電影《悟空傳》配樂,並且為電影創作插曲《空》,由台灣歌手林志炫演唱;同年亦為驚悚電影《素素》全片配樂,該片入圍了《第41屆加拿大蒙特利爾世界電影節》及《第八屆北京國際電影節》。 2016年為英國廣播公司 (BBC) 的紀錄片《The Story of China》配樂。





Copyright @ 2018 Wan Pin Chu
